The location is called "Genheimer Weiher", but it's pretty secret - even locals don't know it exists. And it's not even in Genheim.
The party grounds are located at 49.948811, 7.813209.
Check our general travel directions on how to get near the location by air, car or train.
If you are taking a taxi from Bingen am Rhein, here is how to get to the location:
The Taxi driver will have no clue where "Genheimer Weiher" is, and probably will take you to the town of Genheim, which is wrong. Tell the taxi driver to drive to Waldalgesheim and go straight through it. After the end-of-town sign ("Ortsausgangsschild") he needs to keep driving for exactly 500 Meters, and then make a left. There will be a UC12 road sign on the left side of the street to look out for. During the night it's illuminated. Then have him follow the signs to the car parking area. The Taxi trip should cost about 15-20 Euros.
If you are coming by car, exit the A61 motorway at "Stromberg". Turn right in direction of "Waldalgesheim", which is the next town.
500 meters before Waldalgesheim you'll see the sign (in this case on the right side). During the night it's illuminated. Then follow the signs to the car parking area.